Formative and Summative Assessment

Formative and Summative Assessment

I know it has been a while since I posted, but retirement and being President-Elect of CATESOL is keeping me busy.  I am getting ready to present for the TESOL academy in Honduras and will be doing a session on assessment. So I made this infographic. It's my first ever infographic which is supposed to help readers read information in a more visual format. I got help from a few facebook friends (Thanks Alison Ascher and Kara Rosenberg).  Both types of assessment are important, but in my mind, formative assessment shows students more about their growth then summative. Here is my infographic. Post comments on your thoughts. 

TESOL 2019

TESOL 2019

EL Civics Conference, Ceres California

EL Civics Conference, Ceres California